Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Bâldea
Titlu: Development of the defence mechanism of the dental implant
Dental implants have evolved dramatically over the past decade, and today we have the opportunity to combine technological achievements with a deeper knowledge of how to integrate them into each patient’s biological model.
Maintaining the proper 3D architecture around implants depends on many factors, from surgical technique to the prosthetics and technical dental laboratory procedures, in order to develop the right emergence and submergence profile of the implant restoration.
The timing of final abutment placement is critical for long-term tissue stability.
The aim of the conference is to highlight the strategy for achieving peri-implant biologic space stability as an important factor in the development of the protective mechanism of the osseointegrated dental implant. The concept is based on a deep understanding of the biology of each patient and on the correct choice of material and technique to restore each individual clinical situation.
SHORT CV DESCRIPTION Prof. Assoc. Dr. Bogdan Baldea – ENG
In 2004 Dr. Bogdan Bâldea has graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeș” Timișoara (UMFT). Since then he has continued and developed his professional activity in the clinical teaching program as an Assistant Professor at the Prosthetic Dentistry Department – UMFT (until 2013) as well as in his clinical practice focused on prosthetic dentistry and implant supported restorations. Since 2008 he is a specialist in oral surgery, in 2012 he was certified as a specialist in prosthetic dentistry and in 2013 he obtained the PhD degree in dental sciences (Summa cum Laude).
In 2017, he was awarded the title of associate professor at the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, from the Republic of Moldova.
Dr. Bogdan Bâldea is the President of Romanian Society of Estetic Dentistry Timiş and the Vicepresident of Romanian Dental Chamber.
He has been and continuous to be member in interdisciplinary fundamental research programs and has an invention patent for glass fiber reinforced dental composites.
Dr. Bogdan Baldea is co-author for 3 books, 16 published articles from which 9 are in ISI foreign journals and has over 150 national and international conferences in the field of biomaterials used in dental medicine, prosthetic dentistry and implant supported restorations.
Founder of LearningbyDoing Educational Platform from 2014. Now, over 150 clinicians are graduating the educational programs each year.