Message from the University Rector

“Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad as a postmodern academic institution, member of the Association of European Universities – (EUA)…

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Message from the University Rector

“Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad as a postmodern academic institution, member of the Association of European Universities – (EUA)…

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Message from the President of the Congress

Dear friends, colleagues, partners,

Welcome to the third edition of the Gold Arts Dentistry Congress!

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Message from Dean of the Dentistry Faculty

The Faculty of Dentistry of U.V.V.G. Arad was founded in 1991 and is harmoniously integrated into the structure of the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, whose faculties have a predominantly humanistic profile.

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What is the International
Dentistry Congress about?

This event organized in partnership with the Vasile Goldiș International Clinical Center of Microscopy in Dentistry manages to host in Arad, world-renowned names in national and international dentistry: world-renowned university professors, speakers and top practitioners from Germany and Romania will present and teach during the presentations and workshops: protocols, tips and tricks, “know how” for successful dental treatment. We know that this event will put the Western University “VASILE GOLDIȘ” in Arad on the map of major universities organizing major events in the international dental community.

The programme is that of the great occasions, the works being divided into themes of interest. This is the ideal event for any professional in the field to get the latest information in dentistry today and tomorrow. The latest information in dentistry will be brought to you by world-renowned speakers with the aim of solving some of the problems in your practice.

The official language of the congress is english.



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Arad locations

Due to its geographic positioning, Arad offers its inhabitants a lot of opportunities and benefits. Besides the local sights, the citizens of Arad may enjoy various activities both in Arad County and in its neighboring areas.

About Arad Hotels and Check-in Congress Locations

Arad locations

Due to its geographic positioning, Arad offers its inhabitants a lot of opportunities and benefits. Besides the local sights, the citizens of Arad may enjoy various activities both in Arad County and in its neighboring areas.

About Arad Hotels and Check-in Congress Locations

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