Tiberiu Hosszu

Title: Morpho – functional rehabilitation of the dento-maxillary apparatus in children and teenagers

Because to us the prevention is still a distant dream and crown restorations by direct methods have limitations, prosthetic therapy became necessary not only in adults but also in children and especially teens. Unlike adult prosthetics, many times the child is addressed an oral cavity whose development must not disturb more than this kind of prosthetic therapy after therapeutic solutions must allow adult viable future.

The frequency and intensity of carious processes, trauma through accidents, playground, dental anomalies of number, shape and volume, keeping the results of the orthodontic treatment or complete this, requires the provision of prosthetic therapy at this age.

Prosthetic therapy in children and adolescents has more features than that of adults. Of these, the following are remarkable: it is addressed to patients whose oral cavity is under development and must not influence the solutions adopted have to allow the adoption to others in the future when the child becomes a teenager, then adult.