Tamara Gorcea
Title: Techniques for the Restoration of Temporary Teeth
This presentation is aimed at dental professionals who are proponents of minimally invasive treatment (MID) techniques. ART, one of the MID concepts, is presented as an effective alternative to conventional methods for the treatment and prevention of carious lesions. This technique has clinical applicability in the treatment of anxious children. The principles and working protocol are described, as well as the modified ART technique (M-ART), the necessary instruments and the working protocol. The chemomechanical methods Carisolv, Papacarie and Brix3000 are presented with a brief history, their evolution over time, chemical composition and working protocol. Filling materials that can be used without generating aerosols, such as CIS, compomer and SDF (silver diamine fluoride) application, are mentioned. In addition, the Hall technique (HT), a non-surgical/non-invasive method used for the restoration of temporary molars with carious lesions that are asymptomatic and without pulpal pathology, is highlighted.