Florea Ciprian

Title: Osseointegration failures in implants

A dental implant is an artificial fixture in the jaw, which acts as a replacement tooth root.  It is usually made from titanium.  During the placement of an implant, the main aim is to achieve immediate close contact with the surrounding jawbone.  After a period of healing, teeth implants become anchored and stable, thanks to osseointegration.  The word osseointegration derives from the Greek word osteon (bone) and the Latin integrare (to make whole).Osteointegration,was originally defined ,as a direct structural and functional connection between ordered, living bone and surface of a load-carrying implant. It is now said that an implant is regarded as osseointegrated when there is no progressive relative movement between the implant and the bone with which it is in direct contact.Histologicaly,osteointagration appears as a functional ankylosis with no intervention of fbrous or connective tissue between bone and implant.

Factors that determine succes and failure of osteointagrated implants

-biocompatibility of the implant material

-macroscopic and microscopic nature of the implant surface and designs

-the status of the implant bed in both a health and a morphologic (bone quality)context

-the surgical technique per se

-the unidisturbed healing phase

-loading conditions

Conclusion: The dental implants have become a scientifically accepted and predictable treatment for completely and partially edentulous patients. Tehnology is constantly evolving and newer and better products are  beiing fabricated all the time. The succes of the outcome lies on the hands of the clinician to chose the right tehnologies and materials for his patients and of course to chose which patients are suited for these kind of treatments.