Constantin Budescu
Title: Non-surgical initial therapy of periodontal disease, stages I-III: revolutionary technologies to optimize results
Methods of evaluation and diagnosis of the periodontal status according to the last Classification of periodontal and peri-implantation diseases and conditions
Essential steps in the treatment of Periodontitis according to the S3 level clinical practice guide of the EFP
- Step 1 – aims to guide behavior changes, by motivating the patient to successfully remove the supragingival biofilm and to control risk factors;
- step 2 – “causal therapy” aims to control the biofilm and subgingival tartar through subgingival instrumentation (SRP). In addition, interventions using adjuvant use of physical, chemical and antimicrobial agents with delayed release or host modulation agents can be included;
- Step 3 – Surgical periodontal therapy;
- Step 4 – Supportive periodontal therapy, aims to maintain the stability of the periodontium in periodontally treated patients, by combining the preventive and therapeutic interventions defined in steps 1 and 2, at regular time intervals.
The use of the GBT/EMS (Guided Biofilm therapy) protocol in supportive periodontal therapy
Interdisciplinary and orthodontic treatment of patients with periodontal diseases